Identifying types of worms that can live in your home and how to avoid them

Compost Worms

There are different types of worms that we can find at home, of course they are unwanted visitors and that many times we do not know where they come from or how they entered our homes.

The types of worms that can live in the home depend on the climate and geography. It is important to know how we can identify them, how to prevent their presence in the home and eradicate them at the root if necessary.

Humid and rainy weather is prone as that is how they nest and reproduce. The best places for them to do this are the bathroom and kitchen.

Whether through tiles or drains, you have to be very careful because they can transmit diseases and have a negative impact on health.

Then We will explore some common types of worms that can inhabit your home. so that you can identify them and thus know how they can be eliminated.

Silk swamp

Silkworm larvae are usually white in color, although they can be gold, brown, black, or red, depending on the species. These worms are commonly found in silkworm plants and mulberry trees.

Compost Worms

These are commonly known as "red worms", they feed on dead organic matter, such as kitchen waste, leaves and straw. They are commonly found in vegetable gardens and are often used to produce garden compost.


It is the most common type of worm that can enter your home and usually occurs during heavy rains. Being small, they can easily slide through any gap.

Your home is the best place for them to eat and take shelter, especially if you have a basement. Since they are humid and damp places, They feed on fungi and algae, decaying roots, cardboard, newspapers, Therefore, it is the ideal place.

black worms

black worms

These appear in wet and muddy areas, so if you live near water, they may be able to wander around inside your home. They live in tidal areas near the ocean, but when they are young, they will move around inside a home where there are humid climates.

They feed on decaying algae and fresh produce. If you have a pond they can dig a little in the bottom, make a nest and thousands of them will appear.



This group is not considered worms because some are tiny, they may look like them because they are insects that go through a period of metamorphosis. The insect first becomes an egg and when it hatches it transforms into a larva, The most common forms that live in your space are:

  • Larvae
  • Mosquitoes, flies
  • Polillas
  • Beetles
  • Caterpillars

If a larva lays eggs in your house, worms will form.

How they entered your home

If you've discovered worms in your home, the natural thing to do is to wonder how they got in. In reality, they make their way in like any other bug, they get into the foundations, other They find a gap in a window or under a door.

In the case of maggots that look like maggots but aren't, they have hatched from an egg found in or near your home. A fly may have gotten in and laid eggs that later turn into maggots. The same can happen with a beetle or a moth.

They move much better in damp places and if you have a basement the chances of finding them are greater. It is very important to take into account the gaps in the foundation walls, If they are large cracks, they are places where they pass through.

Earthworms are found in flower beds near mulch, in rocks, piles of leaves, in flower pots. In the wet season they can go out in search of a new place. where to hide and have enough oxygen.

How to prevent them from entering the house

  • Be very careful when you leave the door open for pets to enter or for children to go out and come in. Leaving it open is like welcoming worms, If you see a lot of them you need to treat the area where they are located.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after coming into contact with commonly infested places, such as outdoor playgrounds, swimming pools, zoos, and areas where wild animals may be present.
  • Avoid exposing open food or water containers to the outdoors, as this can attract worms.
  • Choose products that contain natural ingredients for household cleaning, since Harsh chemicals can kill worms and attract other types of parasites.
  • Provide a safe and clean living environment for all living things in your home, which includes regular cleaning of aquarium equipment, cages and terrariums.

How to get rid of worms if they are in your home

If you have noticed signs of maggot infestation in your home, the first step you should take is to try to determine where the maggots are coming from. Once you have identified their source, you can take the following steps to combat the infestation:

  • Clean your home regularly to eliminate places where worms can nest.
  • Purchase products specifically designed to eliminate worm infestations, such as water treatment equipment, pet foods, and fungicides.
  • If you have vents or windows at ground level in the basement It is important to place a wire mesh to avoid any bugs or rodents.
  • Also if you have cracks or crevices you can fill them with steel wool, Check around pipes as a damp place is ideal for attracting them.
  • Never leave pet food or any other food in open containers. Choose to place them in sealed plastic containers for storage.
  • If the infestation is severe, consider hiring a professional to perform an inspection and apply specific pest control solutions, such as fumigations and light traps.

Finally, many types of household worms can inhabit your home, it is important to be able to identify the worms, take steps to prevent their presence in your home, and eradicate any infestation that occurs.

By following the proper steps, your home is worm-free, clean, and ready to keep your family safe and comfortable.

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