Things that home insurance covers and we don't know

Home Insurance

Your home insurance, depending on how the policy is configured, has guarantees and coverage that They can cover some situations you haven't even thought of.

The ideal way to choose your home insurance is to review them to know exactly what it covers and remove the ones that don't interest you. But we generally don't do that, so, It is very common not to be 100% clear about all the benefits of a homeowners insurance policy.

Many people only know what their policy covers when it comes time to use it. It is essential to know specifically all the advantages of your policy to ensure that it fits your needs.

Common home insurance coverages

The coverages included in basic home insurance are:

  • House fire: Covers all damages caused by fire or explosion.
  • Burglaries at home: covers stolen items and repair of damage caused to the home.
  • Civil liability: The insurer is responsible for compensating for damages suffered by third parties as a result of any incident that occurred while in the insured's home.

Insurance coverage at an intermediate level

In addition to those mentioned at the intermediate level, the following are usually incorporated:

  • Water damage: caused by breaks in pipes, taps, stopcocks, etc.
  • Atmospheric damage: Covers damage caused by intense rain or wind, snow or hail.
  • Broken windows and mirrors.
  • Keys and locks: Includes door opening and lock changing costs.

Keys and locks

It is important to note that insurance companies have been increasing the coverage and guarantees within home insurance over time to differentiate themselves in some way from the large competition.

Sometimes these coverages are related to home incidents, but in other cases they have nothing to do with them.
Below, we will explore the most common benefits that are usually included in most home insurance policies and we do not know about them.

Coverage for the structure of your home

It is one of the things that home insurance covers and we don't know that we can take advantage of it. This insurance can be used to have a uniform, beautiful finish in harmony with the aesthetics of the home.

If they break you some tiles In the event of an accident, whether in the bathroom or kitchen, the insurance covers the repair, since if you cannot find the same style, you will have to change everything to have a harmonious and aesthetic result as before the accident occurred.

Your insurance policy will provide you with financial compensation for damage or destruction of the structure of your home.. This could also include your garage, or any additional structures on your property and any improvements you have made.

Coverage for loss or damage to personal property

Any break-ins caused by burglaries not only pose a danger to the walls and ceiling, but also to everything inside the house.

Your personal belongings such as clothes, jewelry, electronics, if they are lost, are stolen or damaged as a result of a loss you may be reimbursed up to your policy limit.

Liability protection

Some things that home insurance covers, for example, If a person in your home gets food poisoning or hurts themselves, Or if you hurt someone while playing some kind of sport outside the home, that can also be covered by home insurance.

Furthermore, it can be done not only within the national territory, but also internationally. It is important to check this in your policy.

Hotel and temporary housing expenses

If your home becomes uninhabitable, youYour policy typically covers the cost of a hotel stay while you can repair or replace it. In some cases, it may also cover the cost of temporary housing expenses.

Home cybersecurity coverage

Cybersecurity at home

Some insurance policies offer coverage for the installation of home security systems, Let us keep in mind that in the digital age, cybersecurity is a priority.

They also include protection against cyber attacks and online fraud. This can help keep your home safe from theft.

Natural disaster coverage

Most home insurance policies cover natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes. Some policies may also offer additional coverage for flood damage.

Coverage for tree removal and landscaping

If a tree falls on your property and causes damage, your policy may cover the cost of removal. Some policies also provide coverage for replacement of landscaping and other exterior items.

Home insurance coverage for loss of use

If your home becomes uninhabitable for an extended period of time following a covered incident, Your policy may compensate you for the costs associated with finding a temporary place to stay and any other additional expenses.

The policy can cover those additional expenses in case you can no longer live in your home, it can cover restaurant bills, hotel rooms, laundry and dry cleaning bills, are some of the aspects that can be seen in this coverage.

Consumer security for identity theft

Some insurance policies offer coverage for replacing stolen or forgotten identity, which can help you recover from identity theft. This benefit can help mitigate financial losses and help you get your life back on track.

Pet Coverage

In this case, if a person enters your house, whether it is a stranger or a family member, at some point one of them may bite. We know that any dog ​​can defend itself if it feels threatened.

There is an extension of liability coverage, but Some policies offer additional guarantees for pets such as dealings with the police., or cover medical expenses related to the dog bite.

It is essential to check the insurance to know if civil liability for animals is included.

Home insurance can cover a wide range of risks and provide financial security if something were to happen to your home or belongings.

It's important to review your policy periodically to make sure it covers your needs. If you have any questions or concerns about your policy, it's always a good idea to talk to your insurance provider.

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